November 1st & 2nd, 2008

Dorey Park

Richmond, VA










The registration period for ODTP 2008 is now open!  Note:  In order to participate in ODTP, you must register no later than October 25, 2008.  For more information about the event, click on the Schedule or Competitor Information links to the left.  The registration fee for ODTP is $40 per competitor.

Please keep in mind that you have to also submit your ballet program to the Tricks Party USA ballet submission page no later than midnight, Saturday, October 25, 2008.

NOTE:  Because of web site issues with the TP-USA web site, there is a different method for submitting your ballet programs for ODTP 2008.  Here's the full procedure from Stephanie Hiebert:

  • Go to the TP-USA website and click on the Submit Ballet Programs button.
  • Fill in the information and select your tricks in the drop-down menus as you normally would. (Note that the maximum point scores above "Program A" and "Program B" on that form will be calculated correctly.)
  • Click Submit the Form.
  • When the confirmation screen comes up showing your programs, copy and paste the body of the confirmation (the event and competitor information plus the two lists) — or type the info manually — into an e-mail message and send the message directly to my personal e-address (not the TP-USA address).
  • On receiving your e-mail, I will add your name to the list of competitors on this thread and send you a confirmation e-mail in reply. If that doesn’t happen within 12 hours or so, ping me to make sure your message hasn’t been snatched by the evil e-world demons!


Personal Information

City: State Zip:
Tricks Party Events
Individual (3 rounds)
Pairs (2 rounds)
Pairs Name:
Pairs Members:
How many? (include yourself):
In consideration for the right to compete in ODSKC 2008, I hereby hold the Old Dominion Sport Kite Championships, Dorey Park, the County of Henrico, the sponsors, and all other persons associated with ODSKC blameless and release them from any and all liability in connection with my participation.  I further agree that ODSKC may use, without payment, permission, or restriction any photographs, film, or tapes in which I may appear for any purpose whatsoever.
  I have read this release of liability and I understand its meaning.



Richmond Air Force